Picture Poems Volume 1, 2 and 3


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Animated Stills

Oh Firebird, of myth and ash, 
Your purpled plumes rise from the flames, 
And like the heat returning sun, 
Renewal forms your mythic claims. 

Oh Phoenix, formed from fire's force, 
Your legend burns across the sky, 
In trails of smoke and glowing arch, 
On toasted wings that make sparks fly. 

Oh Benu glyph of ancient myth, 
In resurrection of the soul, 
Set free the purgatory lost 
Their spirit cleanse to make them whole. 

And once their essence has renewed 
Feed them with your spiritual food 


Animated Stills

by: Thomas G Reischel

Come and see what the Poet sees


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Take Flight: The Sonnets

So, are there fourteen lines in every Sonnet, 
and with iambic pentameter on it? 
Do all the Sonnets have a structured rhyme? 
And are the stanzas quatrains all the time? 

The English may have Shakespearean styles. 
Italians also have their own profiles, 
with eight line octaves and six line sestets, 
that's really not as complex as it gets. 

For I have found that there are many more. 
In fact, there's variations quite galore, 
of meter, length, and of stanzaic form. 
Amazing how some poets stretch the norm. 

I searched the network under every nook. 
From all my findings, then, I wrote this book. 

A poetic journey through the Sonnet format.

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Picture Poems 1

Those chubby cheeks that hold the seed,
A fuzzy face soon raids the stash.
He pilfers grain the birdies need,
This little guy's manners, so brash.

Available at: LitFire Publishing Amazon BarnesandNoble

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Picture Poems 2

Three golden birds with golden song
Flew in to eat sunflower seed.
Bright feathers flashing color creed
Of deepest hue to come along.
I hope they feel that they belong
In my backyard.
I'll feed their need.
Three golden birds with golden song
Flew in to eat sunflower seed.

Available at: LitFire Publishing Amazon BarnesandNoble

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Animated Stills

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Take Flight: The Sonnets

What golden droplets fall from Autumn's veil
To drape in brilliant color 'cross this trail
For shoes to shuffle slowly through them all
A pleasure that's unique to only Fall

These blended hues provide a gorgeous sight
When orange and yellow tinges first ignite
To make the yards and neighborhoods invite
The passersby to marvel with delight

Then Oh, how very wonderful it feels
To have the leaflets crunch beneath our heels
To blow in swirling whirlpools in the breeze
As colors clothe those staying in the trees

Let me walk within this glowing splendor
That only finest artists ever tender.

Available at:LitFirePublishing.comAmazon.comBarnesandNoble.com