
What Is Poetry if Not the Creative Expression of Words?

February 8, 2017 at 12:48 am Thomas Reischel

Poets are soldiers that liberate words from the steadfast possession of definition.

—Eli Khamarov

Letters, words, language—these are distinct characteristics of people, separating us from every other species. This ability to express what we think and feel have made our lives a little more colorful. Out of this expression of the self, we have found poetry.

What Is Poetry if Not the Creative Expression of Words

Poetry is expression done in a creative way. It is filled with many interesting ingredients—words dancing, phrases crying, and lines yielding what’s deep within. A poem is a reflection in words of not just what is seen but also of what is felt. When you write poetry, you are baring yourself, stripping down all the covering and just showing what is inside you.

Metaphors, rhyme, reading between the lines—these are all useful ways of getting words out of your head and on to paper. These make poetry different from just plain telling. When you make a poem, you are making readers think a vision; you are showing them the ocean when they are just thinking of a puddle.

In a poem, a smile is not just a facial expression—a smile is a symbol of comfort, the beginning of an intimate connection, a goodbye that entails, “I’ll see you again.” A poet will walk through a meadow and not only tell you he did it but will also take your hand and make you walk with him. He will tell you how green it is and how the clouds moved along with him, as if you are walking that same ground he walked on.

What Is Poetry if Not the Creative Expression of Words1
Tom at his Desk

The words in a poem evolve differently. A poet makes words bleed, and poetry heals people. Such is the beauty of the art. Creativity is expressed in various forms, and when it comes to words, poetry is the most creative thing that has happened to the world.

I am very proud and humbled to be considered a part of the illustrious group of creative individuals known as poets. I will strive to share the experience in all my efforts, show the workings, and share my joy.

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